February 2, 2024

Milestone Plumbing has welcomed Bruno, a mixed-breed puppy hailing from Texas, as its first foster dog in hopes of expanding community awareness about finding homes for abandoned pets.
“Our goal is that by raising awareness this can have a ripple effect in the community, helping people understand the importance of rescuing a dog,” said Jessie Cannizzaro, who in addition to being Milestone’s founder and owner is a lifelong animal lover. “Maybe a family will see our social media posts about Bruno and decide to get a dog. Or a client will tell another client. If the word can spread, it can have a huge impact.”
Cannizzaro will be the primary foster parent, keeping Bruno at her home nights and weekends with her husband, two young boys, and 10-year-old shepherd mix, Max. During working hours, Bruno will be part of the Milestone team at its facility in Wauwatosa. The Milestone Team has embraced the idea, and they’re eager to hang out with Bruno as they start each work shift, take him for walks in between jobs, and let him nap in the front office. “Our team is so filled with animal lovers, we’ll have many sets of hands that can be involved.”
For its first foster dog, Milestone has partnered with Tailwaggers 911, an all-volunteer rescue group based in Saukville. Cannizzaro says the team plans to work with rescue groups throughout the Milwaukee area on future Milestone foster pups.
Brianna Boeselager of Tailwaggers 911, who coordinated Bruno’s placement with Milestone, called the idea “absolutely amazing.” With each dog they foster, Milestone will spread information to more people; socialize the dog to more types of people, pets and situations; and increase the chances of a great permanent match, she said. “It’s spreading so much more word about this issue, but it’s also spreading kindness. I'm a huge advocate for helping people in your community, and that’s exactly what Milestone is doing.”
Tailwaggers worked with a rescue group in Texas to find a pooch who would be the right fit for Milestone. They decided on Bruno because of his happy, friendly personality, said Boeselager. “Dogs that we place have already been fostered and temperament tested before they are matched with foster parents here in Wisconsin.” Bruno arrived from Texas on Jan. 27 along with 19 other dogs seeking homes.
The Milestone Team will be documenting Bruno’s journey on the Milestone Facebook page, Milestone and Tailwaggers 911 welcome inquiries about Bruno by any interested household and can share information about the adoption process. Cannizzaro has prepared her sons and her team not to get too attached. “We’ll be sad to see Bruno go, but even happier when he has a good home.”